
A number of dental as well as specialized clinics equipped with new technologies that provide their patients with the best dental service in all areas of dental medicine can be found in Šibenik.

5 dental clinics

Dentists in Šibenik


By promoting dental tourism, clinics provide assistance in organizing travel based on the needs of their patients.

The oldest Croatian city on the Adriatic is a popular and desirable tourist destination especially for its preserved architecture of cultural and historical importance, namely the highest architectural achievement of the 15th and 16th centuries, the St. Jacob’s Cathedral (UNESCO World Heritage List).

During summer time, Šibenik is one of the centers of music festivals and other cultural events.

Besides the road connection, Šibenik is connected with other Croatian cities by railroad as well. There are two airports near Šibenik, from which arrival to Šibenik is available.
Split Airport - Šibenik 50 km
Zadar Airport - Šibenik 70 km
Pokrovnik Airport – Šibenik 20 km
Trieste - Šibenik 415 km

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