Stradiot Dental Practice

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Stradiot Dental Practice

Trpimirova ul. 2, Rijeka, Croazia

Working hours: Open. Closes at 19:30.

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The Stradiot Dental Practice is located in the centre of Rijeka. Specificity of the team of four experts is an interdisciplinary approach that gives the best results in diagnosis and solutions necessary for the patient. The clinic provides services in the field of dentistry and facial aesthetics.

  • Number of dental studios 2
  • The implant permanently modifies the root of the missing tooth. The integration of dental implants is a permanent solution, aesthetically and functionally better in case of lack of one, more or all the teeth.

  • By placing the crown on the implant, we replace the missing tooth without additional intervention on the adjacent healthy teeth.

  • There is the possibility of placing a bridge with several crowns on 2 implants without additional intervention on adjacent healthy teeth.

  • A bar which guarantees stability is placed to all those patients who, for some reason, are not suitable for traditional implantology on 4 implants. An easily removable bridge is placed on the bar to facilitate oral hygiene.

  • The locators are fixed on 2 or 4 implants on which is then placed a 12-crown prosthesis. The main advantages include easy hygiene maintenance and a low price.

  • With the placement of the dental crown, the remaining part of the tooth is kept and the appearance and functionality are restored.

  • If you are not suitable for implantology, a bridge of 3 or 4 parts will be fixed on 2 adjacent teeth.

  • By positioning the veeners on the front surface of the tooth, the irregularities are corrected and the desired color, shape and size of the tooth are obtained.

  • The metal-ceramic prosthetic work boasts high strength, durability and aesthetic value.

  • High-strength antiallergic prosthetic material that meets the highest aesthetic standards.

  • The new prosthetic materials guarantee high strength and high aesthetics without a metal base.

  • Antiallergic material that reproduces in the best way the resistance of the natural tooth.

  • If you have healthy front teeth, a partial mobile prosthesis can be placed on them and the posterior teeth can be replaced without surgery, using a metal structure with a special articulated connection.

  • Teeth whitening is performed in the clinic; otherwise splints can be created for the night use.

  • With this technique, in only 45 minutes the teeth can be whitened from 1 to 2 shades.

  • According to the client's wishes and in just one visit, more types of jewelry can be placed into natural teeth or crowns.

  • Endodontic techniques are used to remove the dental nerve, while the root is being filled and the tooth is being treated.

  • Regular visits to the dentist in early childhood guarantee a knowledge of oral hygiene and allow the doctor to identify potential dental abnormalities and a prevention program.

  • With a surgical procedure the visible part of the gums is reduced and the crown of the tooth is extended.

  • The frenulotomy is used to remove a too obvious frenum that connects the lip to the gums.


  • Tamara Karleuša Stradiot,

    Particular interests: Dental aesthetics, Implantology, Prosthodontics, Periodontology, Endodontics

  • Marko Končurat,

    Particular interests: Dental aesthetics, Implantology, Prosthodontics, Periodontology

Working hours

Open. Closes at 19:30
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
13:30 09:00 13:30 09:00 13:30 - -
19:30 15:00 19:30 15:00 19:30 - -


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Trpimirova ul. 2, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia

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