How to choose a Croatian dentist for the installation of a prothesis onto 6 implants - All-on-6?
All-on-6 is a zirconia or ceramic prosthesis, fixed onto 6 implants, and is currently the safest and highest quality solution for patients wanting to replace all teeth in the mouth with an excellent aesthetic and functional prosthesis.

The installation of 6 implants provides a solid foundation for the fitting of the most demanding prosthetic works with 12 to 14 teeth made of materials that perfectly mimic the structure and function of a natural tooth.
Patients usually opt for All-on-6 work for the following reasons:
-Longevity - with proper hygiene and adherence to medical instructions, the All-on-6 is the most common lifelong solution.
-Superior aesthetics – Zircon ceramic best imitate the transparency and strength of natural teeth and give the highest aesthetic value of the final work.
-Restoring a youthful look - Placing a zircon ceramic prosthesis restores the natural look of healthy teeth and fills the lips, rejuvenating the look of the face.
-Certainty - The installation of 6 implants provides a solid base for the prosthesis and it would be difficult for a prosthesis to crack without a metal base such as zircon ceramics.
-Practicality - The prosthesis is no longer cemented to the implants but is attached to it with small screws, which can be easily removed and cleaned or replaced by a dentist if necessary.
-Bone preservation - The fitting of 6 implants often preserves the remaining bone and the prosthesis and bone easily withstand masticatory forces.
Since this is a surgical procedure that, if performed correctly and the patient's health conditions allow it, lasts a lifetime. Before the procedure you should check the experience of the surgeon, their completed specialisation courses in implantology, and the satisfaction of patients who have already undergone the same or similar procedure in a clinic of your choice. Thanks to a strong health tourism, Croatian dentists often have extensive experience in performing such procedures, and in order to follow world trends, many continuously participate at educations and specialisation courses in implantology around the world.
Four to six visits to the dentist are required to complete the procedure, depending on the condition of the jawbone and the general health of the patient. With a 3D-CBCT image of the jaw, the doctor will determine the condition of the bone, and whether it has satisfactory volume and the procedure of implant placement can be started immediately. The patient will go home the same day with fully functional temporary teeth. After osseointegration, that is the fusion of the implant with the bone, the doctor will take an impression of the patient's bite, and a prosthesis will be made in the dental laboratory from the selected material. In the subsequent visit, the patient will be provided with a fully functional and aesthetically perfect final prosthetic work that will be attached to the implants.
Should your bone volume be unsatisfactory, the treatment will take a little longer, but the result will be just as good. Prior to implant placement, the surgeon will proceed to the jawbone augmentation and lift the maxillary sinus to gain on the strength and volume of the implant placement base. In such patients, it is especially important to install six implants in order for the bone to harden and create a strong support for the final work.